Work Order Tools in VRP 10
Option 1: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 3:00 pm (MST)
Option 2: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 9:00 am (MST)
Price: $50.00 for Standard Partner, no cost for Premier Partner
Synopsis: Visual RAMS-Pro provides many visually-rich tools to help haulers not only track and manage their Work Orders but also plan out and project how assets will be used. This course will show you how to maximize revenue with these powerful planning tools.
Requires: Basic knowledge of RAMS
- Owners
- Operations Managers
- CSR’s
Partners must call us at 1.888.852.7267 to register for a class or click the button below and fill out the Online Class form.
VRPE 10 and VRP6: What’s the difference?
Option 1: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 Time: TBD
Option 2: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Time: TBD
Price: No Cost
Synopsis: Alpine released its latest version of Visual RAMS-Pro two years ago. The look is different, how you use it is different. This course outlines and demonstrates the new features and functionality that distinguishes it from older versions of Visual RAMS-Pro.
Requires: Basic knowledge of RAMS
- Owners
- CSR’s
Partners must call us at 1.888.852.7267 to register for a class or click the button below and fill out the Online Class form.
The Power of Trays in VRP 10
Option 1: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 3:00 pm (MST)
Option 2: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 9:00 am (MST)
Price: $50.00 for Standard Partner, no cost for Premier Partner
Synopsis: Disorganization and miscommunication plague many haulers. The result? Incorrect information, missed timelines and dissatisfied customers. Trays are a powerful feature in RAMS that helps streamline communication and increase efficiency.
Requires: Basic knowledge of RAMS
- Owners
- Operations Managers
- CSR’s
Partners must call us at 1.888.852.7267 to register for a class or click the button below and fill out the Online Class form.
VRPE 10 and End of Period Processing
Option One: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 3:00 pm (MST)
Option Two: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 9:00 am (MST)
Price: $50.00 for Standard Partner, no cost for Premier Partner
Synopsis: One thing that every hauling operation has in common is its end of period (month) process. This workshop digs deep into the process and brings to the front many efficiencies or best practices that will help you approach this process with confidence.
Requires: Basic knowledge of RAMS
- Owners
- CSR’s
Partners must call us at 1.888.852.7267 to register for a class or click the button below and fill out the Online Class form.