The Visual RAMS-Pro Work Order Planner vastly improves on the route schedule chart on the wall of most dispatch offices. This powerful visual tool provides efficient dispatch management of complex on-call services and solves many scheduling problems the chart alone can’t. The MS Outlook “view” and drag-and-drop functionality makes this an essential tool for any on-call operation.
The Visual RAMS-Pro Route Mapper is the perfect companion to the Route Builder. Though the Builder is a great visual tool to create and edit your routes, the Route Mapper gives you an intuitive Google Map screen to view where each of the services and routes are located. The Mapper also allows you to modify the routes through basic drag-and-drop technology.
Visual RAMS-Pro’s Service Diagram has enabled Customer Service Representatives to visually manage their Customer’s account in one screen. Now, the Extended Service Diagram expands the current functionality to manage multiple containers when those containers belong to a single account being picked up on the same day. Examples of these types of accounts would include Apartments, Hospitals or Schools to name a few.
Your Sales team requires the functionality to quote new contracts (projects) and provide formal proposals to your customers. Visual RAMS-Pro’s Contract Quotation feature provides a seamless way to quote the project and then track all progress of the contract from proposal to acceptance.
View Contract Quoter Video on Youtube
The ability to multi-task is at the core of every great Customer Service Rep. CSR’s should be able to respond quickly with accurate and timely information to your customers. Visual RAMS-Pro’s Concurrent Forms feature allows your CSR’s to access and create/edit multiple forms at the same time without having to login under separate user names. This Concurrent Forms feature is not readily available in most of the competitive software applications without paying for additional user licenses.
Some organizations do not have the IT infrastructure to host and manage Visual RAMS Pro at their office. For these organizations Alpine offers their complete hosting environment, AlpineLive. You get all the power of VRP and VOR, the freedom to manage your business, and the ability to insulate yourself from the need to manage a specialized IT department. Sounds like a winning combination.
View AlpineLive Video on YouTube
With the newest version of Visual RAMS-Pro (v. 10), there is a way to efficiently use the forms so that they come up more quickly. Instead of closing forms each time they are used, follow this method and you will maximize your time. This efficient way of working within of VRPE-10 is called “Persistent Forms“.
View Persistent Forms Video on YouTube
Alpine has been serving the Waste Industry for nearly 40 years. It’s flagship product, Visual RAMS-Pro, has gone through some amazing changes. Watch this video that gives some highlights of this powerful office solution.
View Visual RAMS-Pro Video on YouTube
Alpine was the first to introduce in-cab computing systems int he Waste Industry. Since that time, it has continued to lead the pack in practical features and a driver-friendly experience. This video introduces you to this powerful tool.
View Visual On-Route Video on YouTube
As a new user on AlpineLive you will need to setup your login credentials. This video will show you how to get started with AlpineLive.
View How to Setup your AlpineLive Password on YouTube
Visual On-Route makes the process of identifying, sequencing, and geo-coding a new service on a route an easy one.
View How Your Drivers Can Manage a New Service on YouTube